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Deep Diving Simulator-GOG: How to Become a Modern Diver and Discover Sunken Treasures

Submerge yourself in one of the most immersive diving simulators to date. Gather your gear, choose your diving spot and discover what lies beneath the surface as you venture deep into the unknown. Deep Diving Simulator will enable you to experience what it takes to be a modern diver.

Deep Diving Simulator-GOG

Developer sqr3lab invites you to dive to the bottom of the ocean in its deep-sea exploration simulation game, subROV: Underwater Discoveries, available now in Steam Early Access. Players can now sit behind the control panel of a submarine Remotely-Operated Vehicle (ROV) from the comfort of their homes, and simulate real dives previously completed by oceanographic institutions around the world.

Fight and survive through 8 unique story-based scenarios, and try your hand at 40 individually designed turn-based combat missions. Journey deeper into the world of Hard West and meet a colorful cast of playable characters whose fates are intimately intertwined with yours. Together you will need to make divisive choices to uncover the ultimate plans of the ancient powers at play, as you unravel a deep narrative storyline featuring multiple endings depending on the choices you make during the game.

Alert, Voice, Pain, Unresponsive. First aiders training acronym used in casualty assessment, relating to a victim's level of response: A means Alert; V means responds to Voice; P means responds to Pain; U means Unresponsive, (ack G Chamberlain). AVPU is a descending scale of brain state in which 'alert' is the highest level of conscious control and awareness, down to 'unresponsive', which is effectively unconscious or worse. When a casualty's condition moves down the AVPU scale this logically signifies a deepening affect on the brain. AVPU is a simplification and quick test based on the more complex Glasgow Coma Scale, devised by neurosurgery professors Graham Teasdale and Bryan Jennett of Glasgow University in 1974 (thanks G Wylie). Less conventionally the AVPU acronym might also be used as an interesting and amusing reference point in discussing or illustrating the 'fight or fight' unconscious reaction experienced in highly stressful situations such as public speaking, in which the higher levels or outer layers of the brain are temporarily shut down or over-ridden by the deeper parts of the brain associated with fundamental survival and bodily function.

Basking In Reflected Glory. This is a wonderful old expression, made modern (and more fascinating too) by its recent rendering in acronym form and use in the psychology of social identity. This relates directly to human motivation in many ways. Psychologist Robert Cialdini and author of the best-selling book 'Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion' helped significantly to popularize the BIRGing terminology and concept, and conducted extensive research demonstrating BIRGing behaviour theory and its wide existence. The 'BIRG effect' or 'BIRGing' refers to a person seeking to associate him/herself with the success or appeal of someone or something else, and thereby (the person seeks) to enhance his/her own personal image/reputation in the opinions of others. (See also the Halo Effect.) Nearly all of us do it (BIRGing) in one way or another. The behaviour is rooted in self-esteem, self-image, security/insecurity. In turn, instincts and motivations around BIRGing may be more deeply driven, at an evolutionary survival and procreation level - basically humans exist to attract/form relationships and mate, or we would not be here at all. At a superficial level we see examples of BIRGing everywhere, fundamentally yet very subtly, in the wearing of strongly branded clothing and apparel. We see it in people who like to drive very aspirational car brands, and in the aims and effects of aspirational and lifestyle branding more broadly. BIRGing most definitely features very strongly in social networking websites and computer/phone applications involving 'liking' and 'following' people and things, and in affiliating to groups. The BIRGing phenomenon is very simply shown in the wearing of football club shirts, especially when the football club concerned is winning. Studies point to other evidence such as the tendency for political posters in voters' houses to be removed quickly after the candidate/party loses, compared to posters for triumphant candidates/parties, whose advertised support remains in windows much longer after the election result. More individually BIRGing can be seen when people affiliate seriously and very openly with a popular local person or entity, such as a leader or project or cause. The psychology of BIRGing can be related to Darwinian evolutionary theory, and also to Freudian theory on ego and self image, etc. BIRGing is a popular and light term, yet has serious influences and connections.

Brotherhood Of Man (under the) Fatherhood Of God. Paternalistic - and thoroughly patronising - expression of traditional values still held by many, including some who lead us. Accepting modern politically correct adaptations, BOMFOG attitudes typically sit snugly alongside the marginalisation of women and all other historically brow-beaten groups. Nowadays more importantly, BOMFOG thinking undermines humankind's independence and development. Nigel Rees, the commentator and language expert refers to BOMFOG as an acronym for a pompous meaningless generality. This interpretation - and the wider implications of BOMFOG - have a very relevant modern resonance with a certain arrogant deluded leadership style (akin to Theory Y, but altogether more deeply insidious) that we often see in the western world, which seeks to suppress and control all good and honest folk - people like you and me, capable of mature independent thoughts and actions of far greater purity and truth than those exhibited by our leaders, supported incidentally by much of our media. Leadership - and government, and any organized system - should be a force for genuine individual aspiration and emotional maturity. Regrettably however many sorts of leadership - especially of significant scale - eventually degenerate into control, manipulation, sham, and BOMFOG principles. By the way the term BOMFOG is linked most famously with certain very grand quotes attributed to the Rockerfellers (Nelson and John D) around the mid 1900s, generally pronouncing how a new world can be established, based on their own (superior, western, 'enlightened') view of life, and the assumption that holding such a view somehow includes the right to impose it on others. Sounds familiar?...

Funny Looking Kid. (ODSA). Used by medical and healthcare folk to describe an infant or newborn whose looks are unlikely to provide a passport to fame and fortune. Perhaps (aside from dark humour at work) this is a manifestation of some sort of envy, given that 'funny looking kids' often grow to be some of the loveliest people you could ever wish to meet. Where we fear and ridicule funny looking people, deep down perhaps we see in them a strength and resolve that normal looking folk don't possess, because we've never had to. (Ever read Mary Shelly's Frankenstein?...)

Helping And Leading Others - HALO is an inspirational and very elegant acronym (arguably also a bacronym) for many situations where benevolent/compassionate leadership qualities are called for, for example managing people, teaching and training, counselling, facilitating, parenting, and especially leadership, specifically relating to leadership theories such as 'Servant Leadership'. In the same spirit (please forgive the pun), HALO is interpreted a little cruelly by some to mean Help A Loser Out, in which the motive is decent if the attitude is somewhat patronizing or cynical. This is not to be confused with the term 'Halo Effect', which is not necessarily an indicator of goodness (see also BIRGing). More technically and entirely differently, HALO refers in military and parachuting/skydiving circles (again please forgive the pun) to High Altitude, Low Opening, which means that the parachutist exits the aircraft at very high altitude (typically 15,000ft up to 35,000ft), and skydives most of the way down (very quickly, in other words), opening the parachute late and close to the ground. It's dangerous because of oxygen/breathing, air pressure and temperature risks, but safer than HAHO - High Altitude, High Opening - (used when the noise of parachutes opening close to the ground needs to be avoided) where besides the ordinary risks of high-altitude jumping, the parachutist can be blown by the wind as far as 40 miles away from the intended landing spot. We can liken HAHO - High Altitude, High Opening (and juxtapose it interestingly alongside Helping And Leading Others) - to the difficulties of managing/performing any project/task where premature conclusions and decisions are made arrogantly/ignorantly at a great distance from the situation concerned, which tends to entail very big risks arising from poor information, miscalculations, faulty assumptions, and leads to misguided badly-timed off-target resources/efforts/actions, producing bigger problems, losses, disasters, etc. Obvious examples of HAHO misadventures are military interventions in far away territories, government interference in local services (education, health, policing, etc), and corporate takeovers motivated for the enrichment of the predators.

Internet Protocol TeleVision (Internet Protocol TV). I wonder if an acronym ever had a more serious fundamental meaning than this one? Full convergence between computers and TV is fast approaching, and its effects will be wide and deep. Nick Negroponte saw something like this coming nearly twenty years ago (they called it the 'Negroponti Switch'). Now it's almost upon us, bigger and scarier than he ever imagined. Just as VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) is revolutionizing the phone and mobile communications markets, so TV over the web will do the same for TV, and the incredible implications of combining unlimited on-demand content, a high-speed virtually free internet, and mobile communications. Look out especially for Joost, being pioneered by Zennstrom and Friis, who have already succeeded with two sector-rattling developments - Kazaa and Skype - now safely launched and divested. Other modern age entrepreneurs are now emerging alongside Joost to challenge the traditional 'old economy' media giants, who will all have their work cut out to keep pace with their quicker more efficient rivals in the battle for a share in this unimaginably dynamic market. If you want to try imagining the possibilities, consider combining all types of TV and video content, computer games, virtual reality, web 2.0 interactive internet technology (and the artificial intelligence of web 3.0 when it comes), and wireless anytime-anywhere high-speed high-capacity mobile connectivity. And that's just for starters... 2ff7e9595c

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