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Elements of Engineering Electromagnetics by N.N. Rao | Added by Request: Master the Concepts and Pri

Dr. Cynthia M. Furse is a Fellow of the IEEE and the National Academy of Inventors, and is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. Her research interests are the application of electromagnetics to sensing and communication in complex lossy scattering media such as the human body, geophysical prospecting, ionospheric plasma, and complex wiring networks. Dr. Furse is a founder of LiveWire Innovation, Inc., a spin-off company from her research, commercializing devices to locate intermittent faults on live wires. She has taught electromagnetics, wireless communication, computational electromagnetics, microwave engineering, antenna design, introductory electrical engineering, and engineering entrepreneurship and has been a leader in the development of the flipped classroom. Dr. Furse is an Associate Editor for the Transactions on Antennas and Propagation (AP), a member of the IEEE AP Young Professionals Committee, a past Administrative Committee member for the IEEE AP society, and past chair of the IEEE AP Education Committee. She has received numerous teaching and research awards including the 2020 IEEE Chen To Tai Distinguished Educator Award.

elements of engineering electromagnetics by n.n. rao | added by request

Units: 1 (1 Workshop) Prerequisites: Pass One restricted to Electrical & Computer Engineering Junior and Sophomore-level students.Catalog Description: Work in groups to conceive, design and prototype electronic exhibits to promote engineering to the public.Expanded Course Description: 105A is the first course in the 105A, B and C sequence. In 105A, offered in the Fall, the focus is on communication of ideas (written and oral) and technical dynamics. After a study of effective technical exhibits to the public, each participant proposes an idea for an exhibit. After review of proposals by class, project ideas are selected and working teams (minimum three participants) are formed. Each team refines the scope of the exhibit, and explore some critical elements given technical and resource constraints. A decision of projects moving forward is made by the end of the quarter. In 105B the projects will be implemented and in 105C presentations are made to the public.

Units: 3 - Fall Quarter; 2 - Winter Quarter (1 Workshop; 5 Laboratory)Prerequisites for EEC 136A: ECS 36A, EEC 100, EEC 18 and either EEC 110B, EEC 157A (may be taken concurrently), or EEC 180Prerequisites for EEC 136B: EEC 136ACatalog Description: Optical, electronic and communication-engineering design of an opto-electronic system operating under performance and economic constraints. Measurement techniques will be designed and implemented, and the system will be characterized. GE Credit: SEExpanded Course Description: This course involves an optical-, electronic-, and communication-engineering design of an electro-optical system (e.g., an optical communication link or pulse oximeter). The course integrates principles from electromagnetics, opto-electronics, semiconductors, circuit design, communications and microcontrollers. The team is given an optical, electronic design problem that must operate under constraints (e.g., noise and power constraints). A prototype system will be designed, implemented and characterized. A project will involve circuit design of transmitters and receivers, the use of a microcontroller, the selection of components, implementation of circuit boards, implementation of signal processing algorithms and finally testing. The testing may require additional design and implementation of testing circuits to quantify the performance of the system. A team project report will be submitted that describes the design, implementation and testing of the electro-optical system. The report will contain an analysis of the system design including the chosen components, sources of information about the components, justification of chosen components, detailed analysis of power budget, noise analysis and measurement, and discussion of any assumptions made. The report will include a Future Work section. This section will consider various real-world design constraints that would be imposed on a commercial system, including manufacturability constraints. Each team will do a class presentation that describes their project. 2ff7e9595c

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