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Psycho Test: How Psychopathic Are You Compared to Others?

What are psycho tests?

Psycho tests are psychological tests that measure various aspects of your personality, abilities, skills, and mental health. They can be used for different purposes, such as self-discovery, career guidance, diagnosis, treatment, and research. Psycho tests can be fun and informative, but they are not a substitute for professional advice or evaluation.

psycho test

Definition and history of psychological testing

According to the , psychological testing is "the use of standardized instruments to measure cognitive abilities, affective states, personality traits or characteristics, interests or attitudes, values or beliefs, behavioral tendencies or patterns, or other psychological constructs".

Psychological testing has a long and rich history that dates back to ancient times. Some of the earliest examples of psychological testing include the Chinese civil service exams in the 6th century BC, the Greek physician Hippocrates' theory of the four temperaments in the 4th century BC, and the Indian philosopher Charaka's classification of mental disorders in the 2nd century AD.

The modern era of psychological testing began in the late 19th and early 20th centuries with the development of intelligence tests by Alfred Binet and Henry Goddard in France and Lewis Terman and David Wechsler in the United States. These tests were designed to measure mental abilities and potential in children and adults. Other types of psychological tests emerged in the same period, such as personality tests by Carl Jung and Rorschach inkblot test by Hermann Rorschach.

Today, psychological testing is a widely used tool in various fields and settings, such as education, employment, health care, forensic, military, sports, and research. Psychological testing is also available online through various websites and platforms that offer free or paid access to different kinds of psycho tests.

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Types of psychological tests

There are many types of psychological tests that can be classified according to different criteria. One way to categorize them is based on their format or method of administration. According to this criterion, there are two main types of psychological tests: objective tests and projective tests.

  • Objective tests are those that have a fixed set of questions or items with predetermined answers or options. The test-taker has to choose the best answer or option from a given list. The scoring and interpretation of objective tests are usually standardized and based on statistical norms. Examples of objective tests include multiple-choice questions (MCQs), true-false questions (TFQs), rating scales (RSs), checklists (CLs), inventories (INs), questionnaires (QNs), etc.

  • Projective tests are those that present ambiguous stimuli or situations to the test-taker and ask them to respond freely or creatively. The test-taker's responses are then analyzed by a trained examiner who looks for patterns or themes that reveal their personality traits or characteristics, motives or needs, emotions or feelings, conflicts or problems, etc. Examples of projective tests include inkblot tests (IBTs), thematic apperception test (TAT), sentence completion test (SCT), drawing test (DT), etc.

Examples of psychological tests

There are hundreds of psychological tests that measure different aspects of human behavior and cognition. Here are some examples of the most common and popular psychological tests in each category:





Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS)

A test that measures the general intellectual ability of adults. It consists of four sections: verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning, working memory, and processing speed.


Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

A test that assesses the personality preferences of individuals based on four dimensions: extraversion-introversion, sensing-intuition, thinking-feeling, and judging-perceiving.

Mental health

Beck Depression Inventory (BDI)

A test that evaluates the severity of depressive symptoms in individuals. It consists of 21 items that cover various aspects of depression, such as mood, cognition, behavior, and physical well-being.


Holland Code (RIASEC)

A test that identifies the occupational interests and personality types of individuals based on six categories: realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional.



A test that describes the personality types and interpersonal dynamics of individuals based on nine patterns: reformer, helper, achiever, individualist, investigator, loyalist, enthusiast, challenger, and peacemaker.

What are the benefits of psycho tests?

Psycho tests can provide various benefits for individuals, employers, and psychologists. Here are some of the main benefits of psycho tests for each group:

For individuals

  • Self-awareness: Psycho tests can help individuals gain a better understanding of themselves, their strengths and weaknesses, their preferences and motivations, their emotions and attitudes, their values and beliefs, etc. This can help them improve their self-esteem, self-confidence, self-regulation, and self-development.

  • Career guidance: Psycho tests can help individuals explore their career options and goals, identify their skills and abilities, assess their interests and personality types, match their profiles with suitable occupations or fields, etc. This can help them make informed and satisfying career choices.

  • Mental health support: Psycho tests can help individuals monitor their mental health status and well-being, detect any signs or symptoms of psychological disorders or problems, seek professional help or treatment if needed, etc. This can help them prevent or cope with mental health issues.

  • Relationship enhancement: Psycho tests can help individuals improve their relationships with others, such as family members, friends, partners, co-workers, etc. They can learn about their communication styles and preferences, their compatibility and conflict resolution skills, their emotional intelligence and empathy levels, etc. This can help them build trust, respect, harmony, and intimacy with others.

For employers

  • Talent acquisition: Psycho tests can help employers recruit and select the best candidates for their organizations. They can evaluate the cognitive abilities and potential of applicants, measure their personality traits and characteristics, predict their job performance and satisfaction levels, etc. This can help them hire qualified and suitable employees.

  • Talent management: Psycho tests can help employers manage and develop their existing employees. They can provide feedback and coaching to employees based on their test results. They can also design training programs or career plans that match the needs and goals of employees. This can help them retain and motivate their employees.

  • Talent optimization: Psycho tests can help employers optimize the productivity and efficiency of their teams or departments. They can assign tasks or roles to employees based on their strengths and weaknesses. They can also create a positive and supportive work environment that fosters collaboration and innovation among employees. This can help them achieve organizational objectives.

For psychologists

  • Diagnosis and assessment: Psycho tests can help psychologists diagnose and assess the psychological conditions and needs of their clients. They can use various tests to measure the cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and social aspects of their clients. They can also use tests to monitor the progress and outcomes of their interventions.

  • Treatment and intervention: Psycho tests can help psychologists plan and implement effective treatment and intervention strategies for their clients. They can use tests to identify the goals and objectives of their treatment plans. They can also use tests to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of their treatment methods.

  • Research and evaluation: Psycho tests can help psychologists conduct and evaluate research studies on various topics and issues related to psychology. They can use tests to collect and analyze data from their participants. They can also use tests to validate and improve their theories and models.

How to prepare for and take psycho tests?

Psycho tests can be challenging and stressful for some people, especially if they are not familiar with them or if they have high stakes attached to them. However, there are some tips and strategies that can help you prepare for and take psycho tests with confidence and ease. Here are some of them:

Tips for taking psychometric tests

Psychometric tests are those that measure your cognitive abilities, such as verbal, numerical, abstract, or spatial reasoning. They are often used by employers or educational institutions to assess your aptitude or potential for a certain job or course. Here are some tips for taking psychometric tests:

  • Practice: The best way to prepare for psychometric tests is to practice as much as possible. You can find many online resources that offer free or paid practice tests for different types of psychometric tests. You can also buy books or guides that contain sample questions and answers. Practicing will help you familiarize yourself with the format, content, difficulty level, and time limit of the test. It will also help you improve your speed, accuracy, and confidence.

  • Read the instructions carefully: Before you start the test, make sure you read the instructions carefully and understand what is expected of you. Pay attention to the number of questions, the type of questions, the scoring system, the time limit, the negative marking (if any), etc. If you have any doubts or queries, ask the test administrator or examiner before you begin.

  • Manage your time wisely: Time management is crucial for psychometric tests, as they are usually timed and have a lot of questions to answer. You should try to allocate your time evenly among all the questions and sections of the test. You should also avoid spending too much time on one question or skipping questions randomly. If you are stuck on a question, move on to the next one and come back later if you have time.

  • Check your answers: If you have time left after completing the test, you should review your answers and check for any errors or mistakes. You should also make sure that you have filled in the answer sheet correctly and completely. You should avoid changing your answers unless you are sure that they are wrong.

Tips for taking personality tests

Personality tests are those that measure your personality traits or characteristics, such as extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, openness, or neuroticism. They are often used by employers or psychologists to understand your preferences, motivations, behaviors, or compatibility with others. Here are some tips for taking personality tests:

  • Be honest: The most important thing to remember when taking personality tests is to be honest and authentic. You should answer the questions based on how you really feel or think, not how you want to appear or how others expect you to be. There are no right or wrong answers in personality tests, only different ones. Trying to fake or manipulate your answers will not only invalidate your results but also harm your reputation or credibility.

  • Be consistent: Another thing to keep in mind when taking personality tests is to be consistent and coherent in your answers. You should avoid giving contradictory or conflicting responses to similar or related questions. For example, if you say that you are very outgoing and sociable in one question, you should not say that you are very shy and reserved in another question. Inconsistency in your answers will raise doubts about your reliability or validity.

  • Be open-minded: A final thing to consider when taking personality tests is to be open-minded and curious about your results. You should not take your results as absolute or definitive labels or judgments of your personality. Rather, you should view them as indicators or suggestions of your tendencies or patterns or preferences. You should also be willing to learn more about yourself and others from your results. You should not take your results too seriously or personally, as they are not fixed or permanent, but rather dynamic and changeable.

Tips for taking mental health tests

Mental health tests are those that measure your mental health status and well-being, such as depression, anxiety, stress, or happiness. They are often used by psychologists or counselors to screen, diagnose, or treat mental health disorders or problems. Here are some tips for taking mental health tests:

  • Be honest: As with personality tests, the most important thing to remember when taking mental health tests is to be honest and authentic. You should answer the questions based on how you really feel or think, not how you want to appear or how others expect you to be. You should not hide or deny your feelings or thoughts, as they are valid and normal. Being honest will help you get accurate and helpful results.

  • Be aware: Another thing to keep in mind when taking mental health tests is to be aware and mindful of your feelings and thoughts. You should pay attention to how you feel or think in different situations or contexts, such as at home, at work, with friends, etc. You should also notice any changes or fluctuations in your mood or state of mind over time. Being aware will help you identify and understand your mental health issues.

  • Be proactive: A final thing to consider when taking mental health tests is to be proactive and positive in your actions. You should not take your results as a diagnosis or a verdict of your mental health condition. Rather, you should take them as a starting point or a guide for seeking professional help or support if needed. You should also take steps to improve your mental health and well-being, such as exercising, meditating, socializing, etc. Being proactive will help you prevent or cope with mental health issues.

Where to find and take psycho tests online?

Psycho tests are widely available online through various websites and platforms that offer free or paid access to different kinds of psycho tests. However, not all online psycho tests are reliable and valid. Some of them may be inaccurate, misleading, or harmful. Therefore, you should be careful and critical when choosing and taking online psycho tests. Here are some tips on how to find and take psycho tests online:

Reliable and valid sources of online psycho tests

The best way to find reliable and valid online psycho tests is to look for sources that are reputable and credible. These sources include:

  • Professional organizations: These are organizations that represent the interests and standards of psychologists or other mental health professionals, such as the American Psychological Association (APA), the British Psychological Society (BPS), the International Test Commission (ITC), etc. They often provide online psycho tests that are developed and validated by experts in the field.

  • Educational institutions: These are institutions that offer courses or programs in psychology or related disciplines, such as universities, colleges, schools, etc. They often provide online psycho tests that are based on scientific research and evidence.

  • Clinical services: These are services that offer psychological assessment or treatment for individuals or groups, such as clinics, hospitals, counseling centers, etc. They often provide online psycho tests that are administered and interpreted by licensed or qualified psychologists or counselors.

Free online psycho tests

If you are looking for free online psycho tests, you can find many websites that offer them for various purposes and topics. However, you should be aware that free online psycho tests may not be as reliable and valid as paid ones. They may also have limitations in terms of quality, security, privacy, feedback, etc. Therefore, you should use them with caution and discretion. Here are some examples of free online psycho tests:

  • : A free online personality test based on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) that gives you a four-letter code that describes your personality type.

  • : A free online intelligence test that measures your general cognitive ability based on 20 questions.

  • : A free online depression test based on the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) that evaluates the severity of your depressive symptoms.

  • : A free online career test based on the Holland Code (RIASEC) that identifies your occupational interests and personality types and suggests suitable occupations or fields for you.

  • : A free online relationship test based on the Enneagram that describes your personality type and interpersonal dynamics with others.

Paid online psycho tests

If you are looking for paid online psycho tests, you can find many websites that offer them for various purposes and topics. However, you should be aware that paid online psycho tests may not be as reliable and valid as professional ones. They may also have limitations in terms of quality, security, privacy, feedback, etc. Therefore, you should use them with caution and discretion. Here are some examples of paid online psycho tests:

  • : A paid online intelligence test that measures your general intellectual ability based on four sections: verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning, working memory, and processing speed.

  • : A paid online personality test that assesses your personality preferences based on four dimensions: extraversion-introversion, sensing-intuition, thinking-feeling, and judging-perceiving.

  • : A paid online depression test that evaluates the severity of your depressive symptoms based on 21 items.

  • : A paid online career test that identifies your occupational interests and personality types based on six categories: realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional.

  • : A paid online relationship test that describes your personality type and interpersonal dynamics based on nine patterns: reformer, helper, achiever, individualist, investigator, loyalist, enthusiast, challenger, and peacemaker.


Psycho tests are psychological tests that measure various aspects of your personality, abilities, skills, and mental health. They can be used for different purposes, such as self-discovery, career guidance, diagnosis, treatment, and research. Psycho tests can be fun and informative, but they are not a substitute for professional advice or evaluation.

In this article, I have provided you with some information about psycho tests, such as their definition, types, examples, benefits, and tips. I have also shown you how to find and take some psycho tests online. I hope you have enjoyed reading this article and learned something new about yourself and others.

If you want to learn more about psycho tests or take some of them yourself, you can visit some of the websites or sources that I have mentioned in this article. You can also consult a psychologist or a counselor if you need more guidance or support.

Thank you for reading this article. I would love to hear your feedback or questions. Please feel free to leave a comment below or contact me through my website. Have a great day!


Here are some frequently asked questions about psycho tests:

  • Are psycho tests accurate?

Psycho tests can be accurate if they are developed and administered by qualified and experienced professionals who follow the ethical and scientific standards of psychological testing. However, psycho tests can also be inaccurate if they are not reliable or valid or if they are misused or misinterpreted by unqualified or inexperienced people who do not follow the ethical and scientific standards of psychological testing.

  • Are psycho tests confidential?

Psycho tests should be confidential if they are conducted by professional psychologists or counselors who respect the privacy and dignity of their clients. They should not disclose the results or information of their clients to anyone without their consent or permission. However, psycho tests may not be confidential if they are conducted by non-professional people who do not respect the privacy and dignity of their clients. They may disclose the results or information of their clients to anyone without their consent or permission.

  • Are psycho tests fun?

Psycho tests can be fun if they are used for entertainment or educational purposes only. They can help you discover new things about yourself and others or learn more about psychology or human behavior. However, psycho tests may not be fun if they are used for serious or high-stakes purposes only. They may cause you stress or anxiety or affect your self-esteem or self-confidence.

  • Are psycho tests free?

Psycho tests can be free if they are offered by reputable and credible sources that do not charge any fees or costs for their services. They may also provide feedback or reports that are useful and helpful for their users. However, psycho tests may not be free if they are offered by unreliable or dubious sources that charge fees or costs for their services. They may also provide feedback or reports that are useless or harmful for their users.

  • Are psycho tests online?

Psycho tests can be online if they are available through websites or platforms that offer access to different kinds of psycho tests. They may also have features or functions that make them interactive and convenient for their users. However, psycho tests may not be online if they are only available through paper or pencil or other offline methods. They may also have limitations or disadvantages that make them less interactive and convenient for their users.


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