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The Tories Embrace Open Source as a Transformative, Innovative, and Collaborative Power

When it comes to getting news about politics and government, liberals and conservatives inhabit different worlds. There is little overlap in the news sources they turn to and trust. And whether discussing politics online or with friends, they are more likely than others to interact with like-minded individuals, according to a new Pew Research Center study.

In accordance with Succession to the Crown Act 1707, the Queen's government was replaced by a Council of Regency until the new King should arrive from Hanover. Bolingbroke offered his services to the King but was coldly rejected; George I brought in a government composed entirely of Whigs, and the new Parliament, elected from January to May 1715, had a large Whig majority. In December 1714 Lord Carnarvon wrote that "hardly one Tory is left in any place, though never so mean a one".[15] The historian Eveline Cruickshanks stated that "[w]hat took place in 1715 was not a change to an all-Whig ministry, it was a whole social revolution".[16] For the first time, Tory gentlemen could no longer employ their sons, as they traditionally had done, in public offices such as the Army, Navy, civil service and the Church. Tory officers in the Army had their commissions taken away, Tory lawyers could not now become judges or K.C.s. The predominantly Tory lower Anglican clergy could no longer become bishops and Tory merchants were refused government contracts or directorships in any major company.[16] This proscription lasted for forty-five years.[17] George Lyttelton wrote in his Letter to the Tories (1747):

Open Source Should Be Used By Government, Say The Tories

During the Whig Split of 1717, the Tories refused to back either side and adopted the same stance to Lord Sunderland's overtures in 1720. Nonetheless their combined efforts helped the opposition win some victories, such as the defeat of the Peerage Bill in 1719. In 1722, Sunderland advised the King to admit leading Tories into government, thereby dividing them and ending their hopes for revenge by looking for support from abroad. He also advised the King in Cabinet that elections to Parliament should be free from government bribery, an idea Sir Robert Walpole opposed due to the possibility of the election of a Tory Parliament. The King was also opposed: "King George stared the Earl of Sunderland in the face at the name of a Tory Parliament, for it seems nothing is so hideous and frightful to him as a Tory".[22] The public outcry over the South Sea Bubble led the Tories to believe that it would not be worthwhile raising funds for the general election, as they considered a Jacobite rising would be successful considering the state of public opinion.[22]

Firstly, schools should be a national priority. The Tories say this, but on their lips it is a lie. If it were true they would enforce restrictions elsewhere to allow schools to reopen.

NHS chiefs and some members of SAGE have argued that opening things up should not begin until case rates are below 1,000 a day nationally. Independent Sage recommends rates must be below 100 per 100,000 before re-opening.

Certainly there should be no question at all of even a limited reopening of schools (of younger children and selected groups) until infection rates are below the 100 cases per 100,000 of population which is a key threshold recommended by the Independent SAGE group of scientists.

That Hutchinson was amiable and exemplary, in some respects, and very unamiable and unexemplary, in others, is a certain truth: otherwise he never would have retained so much popularity on one hand, nor made so pernicious a use of it on the other. His behavior, in several important departments, was with ability and integrity, in cases which did not affect his political system, but he bent all his offices to that. Had he continued stedfast to those principles in religion and government, which in his former life he professed, and which alone had procured him the confidence of the people and all his importance, he would have lived and died, respected and beloved, and have done honor to his native country. But by renouncing these principles and that conduct, which had made him and all his ancestors respectable, his character is now considered by all America, and the best part of the three kingdoms, notwithstanding the countenance he receives from the ministry, as a reproach to the province that gave him birth, as a man who by all his actions aimed at making himself great, at the expence of the liberties of his native country. This gentleman was open to flattery, in so remarkable a degree, that any man who would flatter him was sure of his friendship, and every one who would not, was sure of his enmity. He was credulous, in a ridiculous degree, of every thing that favoured his own plans, and equally incredulous of every thing which made against them. His natural abilities which have been greatly exaggerated by persons whom he had advanced to power, were far from being of the first rate. His industry was prodigious. His knowledge lay chiefly in the laws and politicks and history of this province, in which he had a long experience. Yet with all his advantages, he never was master of the true character of his native country, not even of New England and the Massachusetts Bay. Through the whole troublesome period since the last war, he manifestly mistook the temper, principles, and opinions of this people. He had resolved upon a system, and never could or would see the impracticability of it.

The country party saw, that this aspiring genius, aimed at keeping fair with the ministry, by supporting their measures, and with the people, by pretending to be of our principles, and between both to trim himself up to the chair. The only reason why he did not obtain an election at one time, and was excused from the service at another after he had been chosen by a small majority, was because the members knew he would not openly deny the right, and assure his majesty, the parliament, and ministry, that the people never would submit to it. For the same reason he was left out of council. But he continued to cultivate his popularity and to maintain a general opinion among the people, that he denied the right in his private judgment, and this idea preserved most of those who continued their esteem for him.

The public is then amused with two instances of the weakness of our government, and these are with equal artifice and injustice, insinuated to be chargeable upon the whigs. But the whigs are as innocent of these as the tories. Malcom13 was injured as much against the inclinations and judgment of the whigs as the tories. But the real injury he received is exaggerated by this writer. The cruelty of his whipping, and the danger of his life, are too highly coloured.

Labour intends to ensure that, by 2010-11, 5 per cent of the fuel used in vehicles in Britain comes from renewable sources. Labour states that this will be a means of creating energy from waste whereas the Conservatives state that they will put an upper limit on landfill tax to encourage businesses to invest in new forms of waste disposal.

Energy from wasteProducing energy from waste is intended to tackle two issues. It is intended, first and primarily, to reduce the amount of waste going to landfill and, secondly, to be a source of sustainable energy. When waste is incinerated in large amounts, the heat energy can be recycled and used to heat factories, hospitals and other large buildings. Alternatively, the heat can be used to generate electricity.

Business implicationsIt is widely accepted that the UK needs to increase the amount of recycling. Currently the emphasis is on municipal waste. Although an increase in recycling of commercial and industrial waste may bring with it an increase in the cost of collection of such waste, it may also open up the opportunity for businesses to sell some of the waste they produce.Marine conservationThe seas around the UK are an important source of food and potentially an increasingly important source of energy. They are also a diverse ecosystem easily damaged by pollution and over-fishing.

Liberal Democrat policiesThe Liberal Democrats argue that a healthy natural environment is crucial not only for quality of life but also for the sustainability of life on the planet. They say that finite resources are being used at an ever-increasing rate to such an extent that some key elements will be exhausted by the middle of the century unless net consumption is curbed. 2ff7e9595c

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