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Wamp Download: Everything You Need to Know About Apache, PHP, MySQL and MariaDB on Windows

How to Download, Install and Use WAMP Server on Windows

WAMP stands for Windows, Apache, MySQL, and PHP. It is a software stack that allows you to create and test web applications on your local computer. It is a popular alternative to XAMPP for Windows users. In this article, you will learn how to download, install and use WAMP server on Windows. You will also learn how to troubleshoot some common WAMP errors.

What is WAMP and why use it?

WAMP is a web development environment that consists of four components:

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  • Windows: The operating system that runs WAMP.

  • Apache: The web server that serves web pages.

  • MySQL: The database management system that stores data.

  • PHP: The programming language that generates dynamic web content.

WAMP allows you to create web applications using PHP and MySQL without having to upload them to a live server. You can test your applications on your local computer before making them public. This way, you can save time, bandwidth, and avoid potential errors.

Some of the features and benefits of using WAMP are:

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  • Easy installation: You can install all the components of WAMP with a single setup file.

  • Easy configuration: You can manage your server settings with a simple interface.

  • Easy switching: You can switch between different versions of Apache, MySQL, and PHP with a few clicks.

  • Easy access: You can access your server dashboard, logs, settings files, databases, and applications from your system tray or browser.

  • Free and open source: You can use WAMP for free under the GNU GPL license.

How to download and install WAMP?

To download and install WAMP on your Windows computer, follow these steps:

Step 1: Download the latest version of Visual C++ from Microsoft

You need to have the latest version of Visual C++ installed on your computer for WAMP to work properly. To download it, go to and click on the download file that matches your system architecture (x86 for 32-bit or x64 for 64-bit). Run the file and follow the instructions to install Visual C++.

Step 2: Download the version of WAMP that is best for your system from WampServer website

To download WAMP, go to and click on the download link that corresponds to your system architecture (32-bit or 64-bit). You can also choose between different versions of PHP, Apache, and MySQL. Save the file to your computer and make sure it is not corrupted by verifying its checksum.

Step 3: Run the install file and select your language

Double-click on the WAMP setup file and select your preferred language. Click OK to continue.

Step 4: Agree to the terms and conditions

Read the license agreement and click I accept the agreement if you agree. Click Next to proceed.

Step 5: Choose the location and components to install

Select the destination folder where you want to install WAMP. The default location is C:\wamp64. You can change it if you want, but make sure it does not contain any spaces or special characters. Click Next to continue.

On the next screen, you can choose which components you want to install. You can select or deselect the following options:

  • Create a Quick Launch icon: This will create a shortcut to WAMP on your taskbar.

  • Create a Desktop icon: This will create a shortcut to WAMP on your desktop.

  • Launch WampServer 3 now: This will start WAMP after the installation is complete.

Click Next to continue.

Step 6: Finish the installation and launch WAMP

Click Install to begin the installation process. Wait for a few minutes until it is finished. You may see some pop-up windows asking you to allow access to some programs. Click Allow or Yes to grant permission.

When the installation is complete, click Finish to exit the setup wizard. If you selected Launch WampServer 3 now, WAMP will start automatically. Otherwise, you can start it manually by clicking on the WAMP icon on your desktop or taskbar.

How to use and configure WAMP?

Once you have installed and started WAMP, you can use and configure it according to your needs. Here are some of the basic tasks you can do with WAMP:

How to start and stop WAMP services

To start and stop WAMP services, you can use the WAMP icon on your system tray. Right-click on it and select Start All Services or Stop All Services. You can also start or stop individual services (Apache, MySQL, or PHP) by selecting them from the menu.

You can also check the status of WAMP services by looking at the color of the icon:

  • Green: All services are running.

  • Orange: One or more services are not running.

  • Red: No service is running.

How to access WAMP server dashboard and settings

To access WAMP server dashboard and settings, you can use your web browser. Open your browser and type or in the address bar. This will take you to the WAMP server homepage, where you can see some information about your server, such as version, port, server name, etc.

You can also access various tools and settings from this page, such as:

  • phpinfo(): This will show you detailed information about your PHP configuration, such as extensions, variables, directives, etc.

  • phpMyAdmin: This will take you to the web interface of MySQL database management system, where you can create and manage databases, tables, queries, etc.

  • Your Projects: This will show you a list of your web applications that are stored in the www folder of your WAMP installation directory. You can click on any project name to open it in your browser.

  • Your VirtualHosts: This will show you a list of your virtual hosts that are defined in the httpd-vhosts.conf file of your Apache configuration directory. You can click on any virtual host name to open it in your browser.

  • Add a VirtualHost: This will allow you to create a new virtual host with a custom domain name and document root.

  • WampServer Configuration: This will allow you to change some settings of your WAMP server, such as language, port number, online/offline mode, etc.

  • Switch release: This will allow you to switch between different versions of Apache, MySQL, or PHP that are installed on your WAMP server. You can also add or remove versions of these components from the menu.

How to create and manage databases with phpMyAdmin

phpMyAdmin is a web-based tool that allows you to create and manage MySQL databases. To access phpMyAdmin, you can click on its link from the WAMP server homepage or type in your browser. You will see the phpMyAdmin interface, where you can perform various tasks, such as:

  • Create a new database: To create a new database, click on the New button on the left sidebar. Enter a name for your database and select a character set and collation. Click Create to create your database.

  • Create a new table: To create a new table in your database, select your database from the left sidebar and click on the New button on the top menu. Enter a name for your table and the number of columns. Click Go to create your table.

  • Add or edit data: To add or edit data in your table, select your table from the left sidebar and click on the Insert or Edit button on the top menu. Enter or modify the values for each column and click Go to save your changes.

  • Run SQL queries: To run SQL queries on your database, select your database from the left sidebar and click on the SQL button on the top menu. Enter your SQL query in the text box and click Go to execute it.

  • Export or import data: To export or import data from or to your database, select your database or table from the left sidebar and click on the Export or Import button on the top menu. Choose the format, options, and file name for your export or import operation and click Go to start it.

How to create and run PHP applications with Apache

Apache is the web server that serves web pages to your browser. To create and run PHP applications with Apache, you need to store your PHP files in the www folder of your WAMP installation directory. For example, if you installed WAMP in C:\wamp64, then your PHP files should be in C:\wamp64\www.

To create a PHP file, you can use any text editor, such as Notepad or Visual Studio Code. You need to save your file with a .php extension and use the tags to write PHP code. For example, you can create a file named hello.php with the following content:

<?php echo "Hello, world!"; ?>

To run your PHP file, you need to open your browser and type in the address bar. You will see the output of your PHP code in your browser.

How to troubleshoot common WAMP errors?

Sometimes, you may encounter some errors while using WAMP server. Here are some of the common errors and how to fix them:

How to fix "msvcr110.dll is missing" error

This error occurs when you try to start WAMP server and it says that msvcr110.dll is missing from your computer. This means that you do not have Visual C++ 2012 installed on your computer. To fix this error, you need to download and install Visual C++ 2012 from . Choose the file that matches your system architecture (x86 for 32-bit or x64 for 64-bit) and run it. After installing Visual C++ 2012, restart WAMP server and it should work fine.

How to fix WAMP server orange icon issue

This issue occurs when you start WAMP server and it shows an orange icon instead of a green one. This means that one or more services are not running properly. To fix this issue, you need to check which service is not running and try to start it manually. Right-click on the WAMP icon and select Tools. You will see a list of services with their status (running or stopped). If any service is stopped, click on it and select Start service. If this does not work, you may need to check if there is any port conflict with another program. For example, if Apache is not running, it may be because another program is using port 80. To change the port number of Apache, right-click on the WAMP icon and select Tools > Use a port other than 80 > Test port 80 > Yes > OK > Restart All Services.

How to fix WAMP virtual host not working issue

This issue occurs when you try to access your virtual host and it shows an error message or a blank page. This means that your virtual host configuration is not correct or not recognized by WAMP server. To fix this issue, you need to check and edit your virtual host file and your hosts file. Here are the steps to do that:

  • Open the httpd-vhosts.conf file from C:\wamp64\bin\apache\apache2.4.46\conf\extra (or the corresponding folder of your WAMP installation). This is the file where you define your virtual hosts.

  • Make sure that your virtual host definition has the following format:

<VirtualHost *:80> ServerName DocumentRoot "C:/wamp64/www/example" <Directory "C:/wamp64/www/example"> Options +Indexes +Includes +FollowSymLinks +MultiViews AllowOverride All Require local </Directory> </VirtualHost>

Replace with your domain name and C:/wamp64/www/example with your document root folder. You can also add other directives as needed.

  • Save and close the httpd-vhosts.conf file.

  • Open the hosts file from C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc (or the corresponding folder of your Windows installation). This is the file where you map your domain name to your local IP address.

  • Make sure that you have a line like this:

Replace with your domain name. You can also add other domain names as needed.

  • Save and close the hosts file.

  • Restart WAMP server and try to access your virtual host again.


In this article, you have learned how to download, install and use WAMP server on Windows. You have also learned how to create and manage databases with phpMyAdmin, how to create and run PHP applications with Apache, and how to troubleshoot some common WAMP errors. WAMP is a powerful and convenient tool for web development that can help you create and test web applications on your local computer. You can also use WAMP to learn and practice PHP and MySQL skills.

If you want to learn more about WAMP server, you can visit , where you can find documentation, tutorials, forums, and support. You can also check out some of the online courses and books that teach you how to use WAMP server for web development.


What is the difference between WAMP and XAMPP?

WAMP and XAMPP are both software stacks that allow you to create web applications using PHP and MySQL on Windows. However, they have some differences in terms of features, installation, configuration, and usage. Here are some of the main differences:

  • Features: WAMP allows you to switch between different versions of Apache, MySQL, and PHP with a few clicks. XAMPP also includes other components, such as Perl, MariaDB, phpMyAdmin, FileZilla, Mercury, and Tomcat.

  • Installation: WAMP requires you to install Visual C++ before installing WAMP itself. XAMPP does not require any additional installation.

  • Configuration: WAMP provides a simple interface to manage your server settings from your system tray or browser. XAMPP requires you to edit configuration files manually or use a control panel.

  • Usage: WAMP stores your web applications in the www folder of your WAMP installation directory. XAMPP stores them in the htdocs folder of your XAMPP installation directory.

How to check if WAMP is running properly?

To check if WAMP is running properly, you can use the following methods:

  • Check the color of the WAMP icon: If the icon is green, it means that all services are running. If it is orange or red, it means that one or more services are not running.

  • Check the localhost page: Open your browser and type or in the address bar. If you see the WAMP server homepage, it means that WAMP is running properly.

  • Check the phpinfo() page: Open your browser and type or in the address bar. If you see a page with detailed information about your PHP configuration, it means that PHP is running properly.

  • Check the phpMyAdmin page: Open your browser and type or in the address bar. If you see the phpMyAdmin interface, it means that MySQL is running properly.

How to change the port number of WAMP server?

By default, WAMP server uses port 80 for Apache and port 3306 for MySQL. However, sometimes these ports may be occupied by another program, such as Skype, IIS, or another web server. To change the port number of WAMP server, you can use the following steps:

  • Open the httpd.conf file from C:\wamp64\bin\apache\apache2.4.46\conf (or the corresponding folder of your WAMP installation). This is the main configuration file of Apache.

  • Find the line that says Listen 80 and change 80 to another port number, such as 8080. Save and close the file.

  • Open the httpd-vhosts.conf file from C:\wamp64\bin\apache\apache2.4.46\conf\extra (or the corresponding folder of your WAMP installation). This is the file where you define your virtual hosts.

  • Find the line that says <VirtualHost *:80> and change 80 to the same port number you used in step 2, such as 8080. Save and close the file.

  • Restart WAMP server and test your new port number by typing or in your browser.

How to make WAMP server online?

By default, WAMP server is in offline mode, which means that only your local computer can access your web applications. To make WAMP server online, which means that other computers on your network or on the internet can access your web applications, you can use the following steps:

  • Right-click on the WAMP icon and select Put Online.

  • Open the httpd.conf file from C:\wamp64\bin\apache\apache2.4.46\conf (or the corresponding folder of your WAMP installation). This is the main configuration file of Apache.

  • Find the line that says Require local and change it to Require all granted. Save and close the file.

  • Restart WAMP server and test your online mode by typing your IP address or domain name in another computer's browser.

How to update WAMP server?

To update WAMP server, you can use the following steps:

  • Download the latest version of WAMP server from .

  • Run the setup file and follow the instructions to install it over your existing WAMP installation.

  • Select Yes when asked if you want to keep your existing settings and data.

  • Wait for the installation to finish and restart WAMP server.


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