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Word Lent Tablari: A Guide to Using the Ribbon Tabs in MS Word 2010

Word Lent Tablari: What Is It and How to Use It in MS Word

If you are a regular user of MS Word, you might have noticed a row of tabs at the top of the document window. These tabs are called word lent tablari in Azerbaijani language and they are designed to help you access various features and functions of the program. In this article, we will explain what word lent tablari is and how to use it in MS Word.

word lent tablari


What is word lent tablari?

Word lent tablari is a term that refers to the ribbon interface of MS Word. The ribbon is a graphical user interface that consists of a set of tabs that display different groups of commands and tools. The ribbon was introduced in MS Word 2007 and replaced the traditional menu bar and toolbars. The ribbon is meant to make it easier for users to find and use the features they need without having to navigate through multiple menus and dialogs.

Why is it useful?

Word lent tablari is useful because it organizes the commands and tools into logical categories that correspond to the tasks you want to perform. For example, if you want to insert a table into your document, you can go to the Insert lent tabi and find the Table group. If you want to change the page layout of your document, you can go to the Page Layout lent tabi and find the Page Setup group. By using word lent tablari, you can save time and effort when working on your documents.

How to access it?

To access word lent tablari, you simply need to click on the tab that you want to use. The ribbon will display the groups of commands and tools that belong to that tab. You can also use keyboard shortcuts to switch between tabs. For example, you can press Alt+H to go to the Home lent tabi or Alt+N to go to the Insert lent tabi. You can also customize word lent tablari by adding or removing tabs and groups according to your preferences.

Main Body

Home lent tabi

The Home lent tabi is one of the most frequently used tabs in word lent tablari. It contains the basic commands and tools that you need for editing and formatting your text. The Home lent tabi has five groups:

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This group allows you to cut, copy, paste, and format text. You can also use the Format Painter tool to copy the formatting from one text selection to another.


This group allows you to change the font type, size, color, style, and effects of your text. You can also use the Font dialog box to access more advanced options.


This group allows you to align, indent, space, and sort your paragraphs. You can also use the Paragraph dialog box to access more advanced options.


This group allows you to apply predefined styles to your text. Styles are sets of formatting attributes that you can apply to your text with one click. You can also create your own styles or modify the existing ones.


This group allows you to find, replace, select, and go to specific text in your document. You can also use the Find and Replace dialog box to access more advanced options.

Insert lent tabi

The Insert lent tabi is another frequently used tab in word lent tablari. It contains the commands and tools that you need for inserting various elements into your document. The Insert lent tabi has seven groups:


This group allows you to insert blank pages, cover pages, page breaks, and section breaks into your document.


This group allows you to insert tables into your document. You can use the Table tool to create a table by specifying the number of rows and columns, or you can use the Insert Table dialog box to access more advanced options. You can also insert a Quick Table, which is a predefined table with some formatting and content.


This group allows you to insert pictures, shapes, SmartArt, charts, and screenshots into your document. You can use the Picture tool to insert an image from your computer or from an online source, or you can use the Clip Art task pane to search for and insert clip art images. You can use the Shapes tool to insert various geometric shapes, lines, arrows, and text boxes into your document. You can use the SmartArt tool to insert a graphical representation of your information, such as a list, a process, a cycle, or a hierarchy. You can use the Chart tool to insert a chart that displays your data in a graphical way, such as a column chart, a pie chart, or a line chart. You can use the Screenshot tool to capture and insert an image of any open window on your computer.


This group allows you to insert hyperlinks, bookmarks, and cross-references into your document. You can use the Hyperlink tool to create a link that opens a web page, an email address, or another location in your document when clicked. You can use the Bookmark tool to create a named location in your document that you can link to or jump to. You can use the Cross-reference tool to create a reference to another part of your document, such as a heading, a figure, or a table.

Header & Footer

This group allows you to insert headers and footers into your document. Headers and footers are text or graphics that appear at the top or bottom of every page in your document. You can use the Header tool to insert a predefined header or create your own custom header. You can use the Footer tool to insert a predefined footer or create your own custom footer. You can also use the Page Number tool to insert page numbers into your header or footer.


This group allows you to insert text elements into your document. You can use the Text Box tool to insert a box that contains text that you can position anywhere in your document. You can use the Quick Parts tool to insert reusable pieces of content, such as document properties, fields, or building blocks. You can use the WordArt tool to insert decorative text that has special effects, such as shadows, outlines, or gradients. You can use the Drop Cap tool to insert a large capital letter at the beginning of a paragraph.


This group allows you to insert symbols and equations into your document. You can use the Symbol tool to insert any character that is not on your keyboard, such as Greek letters, mathematical symbols, or currency symbols. You can use the Equation tool to insert an equation that displays mathematical expressions using symbols and formulas. Page Layout lent tabi

The Page Layout lent tabi is the tab that you need to use when you want to change the appearance and layout of your document. The Page Layout lent tabi has five groups:


This group allows you to apply a theme to your document. A theme is a set of colors, fonts, and effects that give your document a consistent and professional look. You can choose from a gallery of built-in themes or create your own custom theme.

Page Setup

This group allows you to adjust the size, orientation, margins, and columns of your document. You can also use the Page Setup dialog box to access more advanced options.

Page Background

This group allows you to add a background color, watermark, or border to your document. You can also use the Page Color tool to apply a gradient, texture, or pattern to your background.


This group allows you to change the spacing and indentation of your paragraphs. You can also use the Line and Paragraph Spacing tool to adjust the amount of space between lines and paragraphs.


This group allows you to position, align, group, rotate, and order the objects in your document. You can also use the Selection Pane tool to select and manage multiple objects at once.

References lent tabi

The References lent tabi is the tab that you need to use when you want to add references and citations to your document. The References lent tabi has six groups:

Table of Contents

This group allows you to insert a table of contents into your document. A table of contents is a list of headings and subheadings that shows the structure and organization of your document. You can choose from a gallery of built-in table of contents styles or create your own custom style.


This group allows you to insert footnotes and endnotes into your document. Footnotes are notes that appear at the bottom of each page, while endnotes are notes that appear at the end of the document. You can use footnotes and endnotes to provide additional information or comments about your text.

Citations & Bibliography

This group allows you to insert citations and bibliography into your document. Citations are references that acknowledge the sources of information that you have used in your text. Bibliography is a list of sources that you have cited in your document. You can choose from various citation styles, such as APA, MLA, or Chicago.


This group allows you to insert captions for your tables, figures, and equations. Captions are labels that describe and identify your objects. You can also use the Insert Caption dialog box to access more advanced options.


This group allows you to insert an index into your document. An index is a list of keywords and phrases that appear in your document, along with the page numbers where they are located. You can use the Mark Entry tool to mark the words or phrases that you want to include in your index.

Table of Authorities

This group allows you to insert a table of authorities into your document. A table of authorities is a list of legal cases, statutes, regulations, and other sources that support your arguments or claims. You can use the Mark Citation tool to mark the sources that you want to include in your table of authorities. Mailings lent tabi

The Mailings lent tabi is the tab that you need to use when you want to create and print envelopes, labels, and mail merge documents. The Mailings lent tabi has five groups:


This group allows you to create envelopes and labels for your mailing. You can use the Envelopes tool to create and print an envelope for a single recipient or a list of recipients. You can use the Labels tool to create and print labels for a single recipient or a list of recipients.

Start Mail Merge

This group allows you to start a mail merge process. A mail merge is a feature that allows you to create personalized letters, emails, or other documents for multiple recipients using a single template and a data source. You can use the Start Mail Merge tool to choose the type of document that you want to create, such as letters, emails, or directories. You can also use the Select Recipients tool to choose the data source that contains the information of your recipients, such as an Excel workbook, an Outlook contact list, or a Word table.

Write & Insert Fields

This group allows you to write and insert fields into your mail merge document. Fields are placeholders that indicate where the data from your data source will be inserted into your document. You can use the Address Block tool to insert a field that contains the name and address of your recipient. You can use the Greeting Line tool to insert a field that contains a salutation for your recipient. You can use the Insert Merge Field tool to insert any other field that you want from your data source.

Preview Results

This group allows you to preview the results of your mail merge document. You can use the Preview Results tool to see how your document will look like with the data from your data source. You can also use the Find Recipient tool to search for a specific recipient in your data source. You can also use the Previous Record and Next Record tools to navigate through the records in your data source.


This group allows you to finish your mail merge document. You can use the Finish & Merge tool to complete the mail merge process and choose what you want to do with your document, such as printing it, sending it as an email, or saving it as a new document.

Review lent tabi

The Review lent tabi is the tab that you need to use when you want to check and improve the quality of your document. The Review lent tabi has seven groups:


This group allows you to check the spelling and grammar of your document. You can use the Spelling & Grammar tool to run a spell check and grammar check on your document and correct any errors that are found. You can also use the Thesaurus tool to find synonyms for a word in your document.


This group allows you to change the language settings of your document. You can use the Set Proofing Language tool to choose the language that you want to use for proofing your document. You can also use the Translate tool to translate your document or a part of it into another language.


This group allows you to insert and manage comments in your document. Comments are notes that you or other reviewers can add to your document without affecting its content. You can use the New Comment tool to insert a comment at the current location in your document. You can also use the Delete, Previous, Next, and Show/Hide tools to delete, navigate, and display comments in your document.


This group allows you to track and review changes made by you or other reviewers in your document. Changes are modifications that affect the content or formatting of your document. You can use the Track Changes tool to turn on or off the tracking feature in your document. You can also use the Change User Name tool to change the name that appears in comments and changes in your document. You can also use the Display for Review, Show Markup, Reviewing Pane, and Balloons tools to control how changes are displayed in your document. Changes

This group allows you to accept or reject changes made by you or other reviewers in your document. You can use the Accept and Reject tools to accept or reject the current change or all changes in your document. You can also use the Previous and Next tools to navigate through the changes in your document.


This group allows you to compare and combine different versions of your document. You can use the Compare tool to compare two versions of your document and see the differences between them. You can also use the Combine tool to merge two versions of your document into one document.


This group allows you to protect your document from unauthorized access or modification. You can use the Protect Document tool to restrict the editing or formatting of your document, or to add a password to your document.

View lent tabi

The View lent tabi is the tab that you need to use when you want to change the way you view your document on the screen. The View lent tabi has five groups:

Document Views

This group allows you to switch between different views of your document. You can use the Print Layout view to see how your document will look like when printed. You can use the Full Screen Reading view to read your document in a distraction-free mode. You can use the Web Layout view to see how your document will look like as a web page. You can use the Outline view to see the structure and organization of your document. You can use the Draft view to see a simplified version of your document.


This group allows you to show or hide various elements in your document. You can use the Ruler tool to show or hide the ruler that measures the margins, tabs, and indents in your document. You can use the Gridlines tool to show or hide the gridlines that help you align objects in your document. You can use the Navigation Pane tool to show or hide the navigation pane that helps you navigate through your document. You can use the Document Map tool to show or hide the document map that shows an outline of your document. You can use the Thumbnails tool to show or hide the thumbnails that show a preview of each page in your document.


This group allows you to zoom in or out of your document. You can use the Zoom tool to choose a zoom level for your document, such as 100%, 200%, or Page Width. You can also use the Zoom dialog box to access more advanced options. You can also use the One Page and Two Pages tools to fit one or two pages of your document on the screen. You can also use the Zoom Slider at the bottom right corner of the window to adjust the zoom level by dragging it left or right.


This group allows you to manage multiple windows of your document. You can use the New Window tool to open a new window of your current document. You can use the Arrange All tool to arrange all open windows of your documents side by side on the screen. You can use the Split tool to split your current window into two panes that show different parts of your document. You can also use the View Side by Side and Synchronous Scrolling tools to compare two documents on the screen and scroll them together.


This group allows you to record and run macros in your document. Macros are sequences of commands and keystrokes that you can record and play back to automate repetitive tasks in your document. You can use the Macros tool to record, run, edit, or delete macros in your document.


Summary of the main points

In this article, we have explained what word lent tablari is and how to use it in MS Word. Word lent tablari is a ribbon interface that consists of a set of tabs that display different groups of commands and tools for working on your documents. Word lent tablari has seven tabs: Home, Insert, Page Layout, References, Mailings, Review, and View. Each tab has its own functions and features that correspond to the tasks you want to perform.

Recommendations for further learning

If you want to learn more about word lent tablari and MS Word, we recommend you to check out these resources:

  • [Word 2010: The Ribbon]: This is a tutorial from that explains how word lent tablari works and how to customize it.

  • [Word 2010: Basic Parts]: This is a video from Microsoft Office Support that shows you how word lent tablari looks like and what its main components are.

  • [Word 2010: Getting Started with Word]: This is a course from LinkedIn Learning that teaches you how to create, edit, format, and print documents using word lent tablari and MS Word.

We hope you have found this article helpful and informative. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below.


Here are some frequently asked questions about word lent tablari and MS Word:

  • How do I hide or show word lent tablari?

You can hide or show word lent tablari by clicking on the arrow button at the top right corner of the ribbon. You can also double-click on any tab to collapse or expand the ribbon. You can also use the Ctrl+F1 keyboard shortcut to toggle the ribbon on or off.

  • How do I customize word lent tablari?

You can customize word lent tablari by right-clicking on any tab and choosing Customize the Ribbon. This will open the Word Options dialog box where you can add or remove tabs and groups, rename or reorder them, and create your own custom tabs and groups.

  • How do I reset word lent tablari to its default settings?

You can reset word lent tablari to its default settings by right-clicking on any tab and choosing Customize the Ribbon. This will open the Word Options dialog box where you can click on the Reset button at the bottom right corner. You can choose to reset only the selected tab or all customizations.

  • How do I access the old menu bar and toolbars in MS Word?

You can access the old menu bar and toolbars in MS Word by installing an add-in called UBitMenu. This add-in will add a new tab called Menu to word lent tablari that contains the classic menus and toolbars from MS Word 2003 and earlier versions. You can download UBitMenu from [here].

  • How do I learn more keyboard shortcuts for word lent tablari and MS Word?

You can learn more keyboard shortcuts for word lent tablari and MS Word by pressing F1 to open the Help window and searching for keyboard shortcuts. You can also download a PDF file that contains all the keyboard shortcuts for MS Word 2010 from [here].


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